The Alphabet Book!


It’s back and more digital than it used to be.
The Alphabet Book was a weekly homework project one year when I was in primary school. Every Monday we had the week to complete a research project on something that started with the next letter of the alphabet.

The rules were:
1) We had until Friday, the traditional day for handing in homework.
2) Each entry was a two page spread in one of those big books you had at primary school with no lines.
The Warwick Project Book ones.
3) That’s it that was all the rules.

For my 2020 Alphabet Book I’ll be using some slightly adjusted rules.

1) One new letter every week - fortnight.
2) Each entry is still a two page spread.
3) It’s a fun project, not an in depth analysis of a subject.

If I can figure out where the original Alphabet Book has ended up I will definitely put up the least embarrassing pages to prove it was a real thing that did happen.